How to Make Money on Upwork? - - Income Hunts

How to Make Money on Upwork? -

Although the compensation may not be substantial and Upwork charges fees, the platform is beneficial for establishing client connections and growing your portfolio.

How to Make Money on Upwork?

What is Upwork?

Upwork is an online platform that connects freelancers with clients in fields like writing, graphic design, and web development. It offers an easy way for professionals to discover projects, communicate with clients and receive payments.

For inexperienced freelancers or new industry entrants, Upwork offers an opportunity to gain valuable experience without actively seeking clients. However, the platform is also populated by a large number of new workers who are willing to accept lower rates, which can affect your earning potential.

While Upwork can certainly facilitate the job search and increase income, it's important to consider which projects you choose to apply for.

How to Make Money on Upwork?

1. Set up a robust - and honest - profile

Your Upwork profile acts as a virtual resume for potential clients and is an essential aspect of securing work on the platform. To create an effective profile, it is important to clearly list the types of work you are interested in, your areas of expertise and your skill level. Be truthful in your self-reported information, as providing poor quality work may result in account suspension or termination.

In addition to your skill set, include a professional headshot and a comprehensive background description, along with any relevant links to your portfolio or specific work samples. You can also specify your education, availability, location, and desired rate. If you're unsure of your rates, consider researching the rates of other freelancers with similar experience on Upwork.

Assuming your profile is valid and verifiable, it is usually approved by Upwork within 24 hours. Once your profile is approved, you're ready to search and apply for projects.

2. Choose a membership plan

Upwork offers two membership options for freelancers: Basic and Plus


Upwork offers a basic membership plan for freelancers that is free. However, a fee is required to connect with potential clients on the platform. Freelancers on the Basic plan receive 10 free “connects” per month, which are used to submit proposals to clients. Connects serve as the platform's internal token. If a freelancer needs more Connects, they can purchase them in bundles of 10, 20, 40, 60, and 80 for $0.15 each. Connects can also be earned through promotions on the platform. Unused connects from one month can be carried over to the next month, but will expire if not used within one year.
If a client contacts you directly on Upwork, you don't need to use a connect. Connects are only required when a freelancer makes a proposal to a client. A strong and comprehensive profile is essential to attract job offers from potential clients on the platform. To increase your chances of getting hired, it's important to showcase your best work and highlight your specific experience and skills, including any relevant volunteer work. This will help you stand out from other freelancers and attract the attention of clients.

The basic membership plan on Upwork offers payment protection for both hourly and project-based payments. This means that the platform ensures that freelancers are paid for their work, regardless of the nature of the payment agreement with their client. The payment protection feature ensures that freelancers are safe and confident in their transactions on the platform, as they can be assured that they will be paid for the work they do, either on an hourly basis or Will receive payment for completed project. It helps build trust between freelancers and clients and supports secure transactions on the platform.


The "Plus" plan and costs $14.99 per month. The Plus plan includes all the features of the Basic plan and several additional benefits.
  • 80 Connect With Month: The Plus plan gives you 80 Connects per month, which are internal tokens used to submit proposals to clients.
  • Visibility into what price competitors have bid for a job: You'll also get visibility into the prices your competitors have bid for the job, which can give you a competitive edge.
  • Option to keep earnings confidential: Additionally, the Plus plan gives you the option to keep your earnings private, so your clients won't be able to see how much you've earned on the platform.
  • Ability to customize your profile URL: The Plus plan also allows you to customize your profile URL, making it easier for clients to find you.
  • Profile never hidden due to inactivity: Finally, with the Plus Plan, your profile will never be hidden due to inactivity, which means you never have to worry about losing visibility on the platform.

3. Connect with (legitimate) employers

When submitting proposals to Upwork, you will use your connections. Each proposal should include an introductory letter, your desired fee, and answers to any questions the client may have about the job posting. To make a strong case for yourself, consider attaching relevant examples of your previous work. Before applying for a job, it's a good idea to research the potential employer. This can help you determine their reputation and whether the job is a good fit for you. The Better Business Bureau, Glassdoor, and a Google search for employer news coverage are all good places to start your research.

Do you Know...
Upwork's rating system is a key aspect of the platform that allows freelancers and clients to rate each other based on their experience working with each other. This information appears publicly on both the client's and the freelancer's profile and helps other users make informed decisions about whether or not they want to work with them.

The Upwork rating system helps freelancers and clients make informed decisions when choosing each other for projects. After completion of the contract, both parties are prompted to rate each other. Clients are rated on a five-star scale, and their ratings are displayed on their profiles for all to see. A freelancer's ratings from their clients form their "Job Success Score," a percentage displayed on their profile that reflects the number of projects completed to client satisfaction.
To ensure a smooth and secure work experience, it is recommended that both parties keep all communications and payments within the Upwork platform. By documenting all interactions on the site, it discourages scams and holds customers accountable for any inappropriate or fraudulent behavior such as making false claims about the quality of work or making unethical payment requests. . Taking into account all interactions within Upwork, there is evidence of transactions and the conduct of both parties.

4. Set your price and start working

Upwork takes a percentage of your earnings as a service fee. This fee is based on the total amount you bill with the client, meaning the more work you do with them, the lower the fee. For example, for the first $500 you bill with a client, Upwork will take 20% of your earnings. For billings between $500.01 and $10,000, the fee will be 10%. If you exceed $10,000 in billings with a client, the fee drops to 5%.
You can choose to pay hourly or at a fixed price. The fee structure is the same for both payment methods. Your hourly rate on Upwork will be your listed rate before the service fee is deducted. So, if you list your rate at $20 per hour, you can expect to make $16 per hour after taking the 20% fee. If you reach $500 in billings with a client, the fee will drop to 10% and you will earn $18 per hour.
The same principle applies for a fixed-price job. If you get paid $400 for a job, you'll get $320 after taking a 20% fee. Once you reach $500 in billings with a client, the fee will drop to 10%.

Do you know...
If a client approaches you with a lower salary, it is recommended to engage in negotiations to find a mutually acceptable price that takes into account the scope of work and the skills and experience of the freelancer. . This can help ensure fair compensation for work performed. It is common practice for freelancers on Upwork to negotiate their pay rate with clients.

Hourly projects

Work Diary is a built-in feature of the UpWork desktop app that logs your hourly projects. When you turn on this function, the app will keep a comprehensive record of your project's progress by tracking your time in 10-minute billing cycles and recording keystrokes, scrolling and clicks. The app also captures periodic screenshots. While you have the option to turn off Work diary and log work manually at any time, using the tool enables you to be eligible for the Upwork Hourly Protection service. This service guarantees payment for work you can prove was completed, even if the client denies it.

Fixed-price projects

Fixed-price projects on Upwork have a different payment system than hourly projects. The client must reserve a predetermined amount of funds at the start of the project and establish milestones, which are defined objectives indicating the progress of the project. As soon as you achieve this milestone, the client releases some or all of the secured funds to you. Finally, once the project is completed, the remaining funds are released to you. This payment system ensures that you receive payment for your work at various stages of the project, making it a more secure option.

5. Get paid

Upwork provides a variety of payment options for freelancers, including PayPal, direct deposit, and wire transfer, to ensure secure transactions. For hourly plans, payments are made on a weekly basis and funds are released 10 days after the end of the billing period, after a mutual review by both the freelancer and the client. If a project is terminated before completion, hourly protection and milestone features can serve as evidence of fair compensation. In case of payment disputes, Upwork has a dispute resolution process. For fixed price plans, on the other hand, payments are made as agreed upon milestones. If a client fails to make a milestone payment or disputes the completion of work, the freelancer can initiate a dispute resolution process.


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